<span class="p-span"><h1 class=""><span class="p-span" style="text-align: center; ">STEM Tabletop Game Master Training</span></h1></span><span class="p-span"><h2 class=""><span class="p-span" style="text-align: center; ">Middle & High School Student Registration Fall 2024</span></h2></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span">This program will teach middle and high school students the art and science of how to gamemaster (GM) a roleplaying session. We will start with a roleplaying safety tip sheet to learn how to identify topics that are or are not appropriate for various game tables (judgment free, this is a discussion of how to have these conversations, not an endorsement one way or another.</span><span class="p-span">The class will then expand to elements of planning, how to run game sessions, time management, how to redirect players, how to resolve player conflict, and how to build and maintain story momentum. We will delve into how to best use digital tools, map making, encounter balance, game play styles, social vs tactical vs strategic gameplay, metagaming.</span><span class="p-span">After the first few sessions, this will become a time for students to plan/prep for their roleplaying games (hopefully, they will run as a GM for their HS and MS classmates during those enrichment opportunities). In addition to planning, it will be a time for GMs to discuss any challenges they might have with their groups for peer (and lead) support in resolving issues.</span></span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><b>Meets on Tuesdays 3:00 - 3:45 PM in Ms. Montour's room E222</b></span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><b>8/27/24 - 5/6/25</b></span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><b>Cost: $0/student</b></span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span">Contact dnd@s.stemk12.org for questions about the Tabletop Game Master Training.</span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><br></span></span>