<span class="p-span"><span class="p-span">This is the graduation fee if your student <b><u>WILL BE</u></b> participating in the graduation ceremony in May 2025.</span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"><br></span></span><span class="p-span"><span class="fs_style_32">The Brandon High School graduation fee is $85 for students participating in the graduation ceremony in May 2025. For students who will not be participating in the ceremony, the graduation fee is $25. <strong>The deadline to pay the graduation fee is September 26, 2024. </strong>Until September 26th, payments can be made via online (preferred), cash, or check (made out to Brandon High School).</span></span><span class="p-span">Payments made between August 1st and August 16th will be discounted to $80.<br>Payments made between August 17th and September 26th will be the normal price of $85.<br><strong>Payments made after September 26th incur a $15 late fee totaling to $100.</strong></span><span class="p-span"><span class="p-span"></span></span><span class="p-span"><b>After September 26th, all cash payments must be paid to the administration office. Online payments will still be accepted, however, checks will not be accepted after September 26th.</b></span>